Oferta 3×1 Practica Corte de Dama, Barbería y Tintes y Mechas

$100.00 / week$2,499.99

(No es para licencia del estado)

Face-to-face certified workshop

Duración Curso Intensivo 6 meses
Clases presenciales 1 vez por semana 2 horas por clase 25 clases total
Seguimiento diario a través grupo de Whatsapp

The 3×1 Professional Course Lady's Cut, Barbershop & Dyes and Highlights, is specially thought and designed for those who seek to learn different techniques in trend haircuts for women, men and children, as well as all the theory and practice of colorimetry through the courses of dyes and highlights.

It is a complete course where you will learn and put into practice,

  • Introduction to Haircuts, tools and materials.
  • Sanitary Procedures and Disinfection.
  • Bacteriology and Infection Control.
  • Essential Terminology (areas of the head, areas of hair cut and texture).
  • Cutting Techniques (partitions, elevations, graduations).
  • Hair washing and conditioning.
  • Cut with Scissors, Lady and Gentleman Razor
  • Thermal brushed style with dryer.
  • Intensive hair care treatments
  • Knowledge of the machine and gentleman's cut.
  • Final competition.
  • Introduction/ PH of the hair.
  • Texture, Porosity and Density.
  • Círculo Cromático.
  • Tonos del Color.
  • Niveles de color reflejos.
  • Matizadores Fantasía.
  • Matemáticas del color, diferente marcas y formulaciones.
  • Pigmentación de canas.
  • Reflejos.
  • Mechas Frontales.
  • Competencia Final.
Don't miss the opportunity to change your life!

* Ask about our financing plans in the following link https://wa.link/8clv8d

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